Western Area Battle
Western Area Battle, at Victory Hall, Dalston - Judge to be announced
Look out for our 2023/4 programme
Western Area Battle, at Victory Hall, Dalston - Judge to be announced
Members Excursion in Carlisle - Bring your camera and tripod for some long exposure photography
Infra-Red with Gerald Chamberlin DPAGB, EFIAP (Dalston CC)
A Christmas social evening with refreshments, together with some light-hearted ‘judging' and discussion of prints which we will bring with us on the night
Last opportunity to submit your images for the monthly competition
Interclub competition with Dalston and Workington at Belah Community Centre, Carlisle - Judge to be announced
Club members Presentation, 6 of the best or AV
Fourth Monthly Competition of the season - Gerald Chamberlin DPAGB EFIAP
Last opportunity to submit your images for the monthly competition
A well recognised local photographer, Amy was awarded The British life Photographer of the Year Award in 2021 and is the Author of the book “Forty Farms”
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
Fifth Monthly Competition of the season judged by John Fare
Interclub competition with Penrith and Keswick, at Friends Meeting House, Penrith - Judge to be announced
Feb 27th is the lastest date for submissions to the Annual Print Competition.
Last opportunity to submit your images for the Annual PDI Competition entries submitted for Annual PDI Competitions
Julie Walker ARPS, DPAGB, EPSA, EFIAP (Keswick PS)
A late change to the programme, we will be holding a 'small objects' practical session at Belah.
Competition Results – printed images entered into Annual Competition - Judged by Richard Speirs DPAGB BPE2* APAGB
Competition Results – digital images entered into Annual Competition - Judged by Alan Walker ARPS MPAGB MPSA EFIAP BPE3*
David Moyes of Dumfries CC joins us for an evening of Seascapes and Architecture
Panels Evening - 3 or 5 images with a common theme/aesthetic
Your opportunity to give your views on the running of the club
Club dinner and awards ceremony for Annual Print and PDI competitions
Please also bring up to 5 images youÕve taken over the summer break for discussion
Latest date for PDI and Prints for the first Monthly Competition.
Bring along your camera, Including resizing images, Depth of field, Table top, and basic PS editing.
With over 250 awards and accolades ChristineÕs talk will take us on a journey through stunning imagery and how she has developed her style. www.christinewiddall.co.uk
bring along your camera and a tripod, meet outside WilkinsonÕs Carlisle city centre @ 7:30pm
Judged by John Fare
With over 40 years experience, his passion for monochrome printing has won him numerous accolades including Ilford printer of the year and Ballantines whisky awards. Tom has also had prints hung in a London gallery. tomrichardsonlandscapephotography.com
Latest date for PDI and Prints for the second Monthly Competition.
Sheila was awarded her DPAGB in AVÕs & will discuss a number of different ways to put audio visualÕs together ,including her gold medal award winning AV ÒArthur's secretÓ
Bring along your camera, content will be confirmed on the 22nd october
Judge Jeremy Malley-Smith DPAGB
Latest date for PDI only for the third Monthly Competition.
Danny is a world renowned Natural History professional photographer, his images are widely published by some of the leading picture agencies, and he has also been featured in National Geographic. He also runs global photo tours company NatureÕs Images. www.dannygreenphotography.com This talk is definitely not to be missed, Non members welcome £5 payable on entry
Sean is an internationally renowned Architecture professional photographer. Sean provides architects, construction companies, designers and the world of advertising and marketing with projects from giant multiplex cinemas to multi storey structures. www.seanconboy.com This talk is definitely not to be missed, Non members welcome £5 payable on entry
Inter club battle organised by Workington & District CC
Judge Christine Widdall MPAGB - Competition judged by zoom, PDI entries
Latest date for PDI and Prints for the fourth Monthly Competition.
Inter Club competition between Workington, Carlisle and Dalston, organised by Workington @ District CC
Judge John Williams
Focusing on how to adapt your photography style. Sally is an active member of Wakefield CC.
Theme for the Chairman's challenge is Trees. Fun night judged by members of the club
3 way battle between Keswick, Carlisle and Penrith clubs, organised by Keswick PS